He also did a really good job of putting across his usual message, which is that we should try to make the most of what we have around us and go a look at nature for what it is, don’t just go out there to get the ticks. He is a great advocate of promoting the less promotable species that need help. The door mouse already has lots of money ploughed into it’s conservation and it is a boring mammal, what about all the other less cuddly species that need help for example Britains rarest mammal the Black rat!
A couple of the things I remember well are his story of how when he was young he found a blackbird carcass which was being buried by grave digging beetles. He dug it up put it in an aquarium and sat it on top of the TV. So for a few weeks he could watch the beetles as the buried the blackbird. he also did a section about animals that get rid of excess slat in their snot, and even birds that live of the snot of other animals when times get harsh.
At the end he had a bit a a rant and asked everyone to get the kids out and about exploring nature, because unless that happens then they will not grow up to have the respect for nature that it really needs in the age of disappearing habitat.