I parked up the car and did a quick circuit of the village to get the joints going after being sat in the car for over an hour. I hatched a plan, got to the Rose and Crown pub for a coffee and see if I could arrange a taxi. A Swindon company quoted me £23 which seemed reasonable especially as they could be with me in 30 minutes rather so I would be where I wanted to be before the next bus arrived, which would also have involved a taxi journey from Swindon.
I sat in the pub garden and waited, the weather was overcast with a slight breeze, the temperature cool perfect for walking, however the weatherman promised very hot in the afternoon possibly as high as 30 centigrade!
The taxi arrived about an hour after I called, the friendly driver was quite chatty. He dropped me off at the bus stop where I had finished off last time. The oath rise steeply to the top of the ridge, but then it leveled off. It looked a bit like it was going to rain, but the weather held off, still it was just a little cold.
The path was good walking as it was almost a tarmac path and being a byway wide enough for a car. The sun started to break through the cloud and the weather warmed up. The views from the path wee stunning as the air was clear after the nights rain, and spring meant all the greenery was fresh.
I did not come across many other people on the route, but I did pass a Land Rover twice with a young family in it presumably out for a driver in air conditioned comfort rather than enjoying the fresh air outdoors. I cut the walk slightly shorter than planned because my leg was giving me some jyp. The path eventually descended and bought me out at the pub where I started.