This year the Sharp (and hangers on) holiday is taking place in Blakeney Norfolk. We set out with auntie Sallie at 09:30 and headed off to the land of many birds with the plan of stopping off at Sandringham to have tea with queenie. When we got there we were informed that she was not in residence, we let ourselves in and had a look around the house anyway.
Then we set off to the Adnams shop at Holkham for some beer supplies for the holiday. We got to the hut at about 17:00, we are staying at Flinders in Blakeney, it is a great rental cottage, lots of rooms each with on suite.
As it was fairly late on in the day we decided to have fish and chips for dinner so Helen and I were despatched to Holt to Angus Road to get some. Helen placed the order but we seemed to get twice the amount that we needed for the eight of us, the person serving seemd to ignore the request for small portions and doubled them all up, (I did not complain).
After eating we all watched the wedding video edited with great skill by Paul from all the footage we collected.
Now we are all looking forward to a week of outdoor living.