This is blog post 400!!

We were up at a reasonable 9:00 on boxing day and quickly had a breakfast and left my folks to head back home. The journey was straight but there were quite a few slow drivers about. You know the ones, those that only drive once a year, and are very cautious. Still we got back in good time.
Then it was off up the hill for Christmas part deux. Helen’s sister and brother in law were over and we had a lovely veggie lasagne for lunch. After lunch we headed out for a walk in the snow, along the canal towpath. We were a bit naughty as we all had a go at standing on the canal’s ice which held very well even if you jumped up and down on it.
After a walk the sisters went and did some sledging on a hill which in my opinion was not steep enough to get any speed up on. I went indoors to read the paper in the warm. Later on we went down the hill to join up with more in laws for more food and celebrations. Fun was had by all and the chase the ace trophy is now on it’s way to Wales.