Managed to fit in a short walk on Saturday between weekend chores and socialising. Parked up at the parking/passing point up in Dancersend where the cottages are on your right as you drive toward to the manor house.
From there I walked toward the manor house then took a left at the road junction to find a few yards on a foot path that leads to a couple of cottages then a farm complex which seems to be the meeting place of all the people who attend the regular shoots that happen. At the bend in the road just past the farm you can take a right which takes you on a footpath up the hill to join the ridge way. As you get toward the beech tree areas toward the top there are lots of fungi to photo.
Once you are almost at the at the point where the Ridgeway crosses a road near a phone mast it is time to take a right and head down the hill to the water works buildings, then along the road to the entrance to Dancersend Nature reserve run by BBOWT , enter the reserve and head back in the direction you came down the road and follow the path up the steep hill. There are many ways round the nature reserve but make sure you exit via the patch that leads to Pond Cottage other wise you will end up trespassing on shooting land!
Head up the hill back to the manor house, then take a left back to the parking place. Walk was about 3 miles and took 1:20, with a few stops to take pictures of fungi.
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