Arrived at the Eels Foot inn at Eastbridge. Weather totally different here than back round Aston Clinton. There is hardly any evidence of snow. I realised when I arrived that I had forgotten my wallet, and worse than that I had not a penny on me! I guess the weekend will be on Helen. We are looking forward to a spot of bird watching tomorrow, Lapland Bunting, Velvet Scoter, Water Pipit, and Green Winged Teal have been reported three of those would be life listers. The Eel Foots inn is a great pub just how you remember them, a small bar basic furniture. As with most pubs round here you they sell nowt but Adnams but who’s complaining. I am supping a pint of Best Bitter as I write this blog entry. Looks like we will be spending the evening in the pub, it’s a hard life!