I Love You Phillip Morris (***)

Film poster I love you Phillip Morris
Film poster I love you Phillip Morris

Jim Carrey and Ewan McGregor star in the this film about a guy who is happily married, working for the police, and an upstanding member of the christian community. Living the american dream so to speak. Then things take a complete turn about he finds out that he was adopted and then has a car accident. Suddenly he is gay and commiting fraud to fund his lavish habits.

He then gets cuaght and goe to prison where he meets Ewan McGregor and falls in love. The film then continues with him in and out of jail and going to extreme  lengths to be with the person he loves.

When I see Jim carrey in a film I can’t help thinking that it is all a bit tongue in cheek, and to some extent the film is, but it does not distract from what is claimed to be based on the true life events of Steven Jay Russell. Altough there are some seriuos parts to the film the exploits of Mr Russell are so extreme it almost becomes comical.

Well worth a watch.