Merry Christmas to all my readers (Steve)

Christmas lights

At the olds for Christmas and on the spur of the moment we all decided to go to the town carol service. The walk there was cold and the snow was freezing again. Earlier in the week the corner on the exit of the estate was covered in ice by the fire hydrant being tested, so they have had to put up with a sheet ice 90 degree bend for some time.

Down in the local market square the four local vicars shared the job of taking the proceedings, C of E, Methodist, Baptist and Trainee, all had a go at saying their bit. One of them did a talk about shopping trolleys and the speed that people go round the supermarkets but their did not seem to be a moral or conclusion to it.

On the way back I took a detour to the brightest house in town where the householder has quite and impressive light show, but the best bit was the four lighted dummies sat in the seats opf the car. If all goes well you should be able to see a video of it some where with the post.

For the technophiles amongst you the video was edited with kdenlive installed on a Netbook remix of ubuntu. Seems to do most of the stuff and more compared to other offerings about. Best of all it is free, as in beer and speech.

Merry Christmas, form your blogger Neil.