Last day so we decided to try to beat our one day bird list record of 65 species. Dunnock, wood pigeon and sparrow were in the garden of the cottage. Jackdaw, herring & blackheaded gull, and pheasant en route. First to Cley-spy for their country walk talking us through arable farmland and oak woodland. Magpie, swallow, goldfinch, chaffinch, blackbird, blackcap, robin, willow warbler, coal tit, crow, kestrel, blue tit, robin, oystercatcher, treecreeper, red legged partridge, mute swan, mallard, tufted, moorhen, grey wagtail and greater spotted woodpecker. Then coffee stop at Natural Surroundings at Bayfield Hall, where Neil spotted another treecreeper. Then back along the fields to the ford, seeing coot, greenfinch, collared dove & swift. We then headed back to the coast to Cley, where the weather had turned a little and chased by a large black raincloud to the hide. Avocet, shelduck, marsh harrier, greylag, bearded tit & sedge warbler on the way to the hide. Sheltered from the rain and freezing wind seeing black tailed godwit, gadwall, redshank, sand martin, linnet, turnstone, lapwing, dunlin, ringed plover, cormorant, common sand, curlew, teal, ruff, shoveller, pied wagtail, canada & brent goose, common tern, turnstone, LBB gull, 3 temmincks stints & wheatear on the single bank. Walked to the shelter looking out to sea, and Neil got gannet despite being blasted by the north easterly wind. Then back via meadow pipit, egyptian goose, rook, reed warbler, pochard & whimbrel. Success despite blimmin challenging weather!