Luton have introduced a priority queue for security. You have to pay £3 at a kiosk which issues you with a ticket. This morning the queues were snaking all round the hall so I thought stuff this and splashed out. The kiosks could be a bit more user friendly as it was not obvious what to do. There did seem to be a window for reading bar codes, but I was not asked to scan my boarding card, perhaps this is for future developments. Ticket in hand I joined a queue of 1 (is that a queue?) and walked straight through to a screening machine, a man tried to herd me to push in to the handful of people queuing there (overspill from the big queue) the Englishman in me felt this was a step too far! All things considered well worth the £3, next time I will take a glance at the queue and make a decision at that point I see no merit in booking on line.