For quite some time when you searched for Neil Baldwin this blog appeared on the first page of Google, but recently I have been kicked off the front page and put several pages back. The main reason was because of a film about the Neil Baldwin a registered clown who is also associated with Keele University and Stoke City football club. This blog entry s an attempt to improve my SEO by a blog post that mentions all the Neil Baldwin’s I know of. Just don’t the Google spider about my cunning plan.

The wikipedia article about the my Stoke City name sake says “Neil Baldwin (born 1946) is an honorary graduate of Keele University from Westlands, Staffordshire. He is a registered clown and also worked for Stoke City Football Club, for whom he once played briefly in a friendly match. He is the subject of an award-winning BBC television drama, Marvellous, which was broadcast in 2014.” The wiki article is here
Up until the Stoke City Neil Baldwin came on the scene I generally swapped the top spot with the American author with the same name. According to his wikipedia article “Neil Baldwin is the author of a variety of books on various topics related to history and culture, and a professor in the Department of Theatre and Dance at Montclair State University. Baldwin earned a B.A. in English from the University of Rochester, and a Ph.D. in Modern American Poetry from the State University of New York at Buffalo. He was the editor of The Niagara Magazine between 1974 and 1982, and worked in fundraising for the New York Public Library between 1984 and 1989. He was the director of the National Book Foundation from its founding in 1989 until his resignation in 2003” He has a website devoted to his books at
Another Neil Baldwin came to the fore in the 80’s when he composed music for the Commodore 64, the introduction on his website says “I wrote my first music on the NES 20 years ago and have recently been amazed to discover that the “chip music” scene is still going strong. So, in a bid to do my bit to keep the history alive and because some of my music is either missing, mis-credited or in some cases never even saw the light of day, I decided I’d put together a little document of my work and experiences. You’ll need Flash to play the MP3s via the embedded audio players or you can download a ZIP file containing all the songs for each game. Alternatively you can download the .NSF file but you’ll need a player to play these; personally I use Audio Overload but there’s lots of others.” His website is here