Alert on RBA to a possible Ferruginous Duck went down the reservoir but could not see it. Apparently the distinguishing feature from a Tufted is a white eye. I did however see a Scaup which is a first for me.
Category: Uncategorized
Kestrels behaving strangely
Walked down to the gate at the end of college road. Not alot happening, but then I spotted a couple of Kestrels coasting along the hedge line on the updraft where the wind hit the hedge. They then proceeded to chase stuff down on the ground. They may have been chasing crane flies, I think I have read/seen something which describes that behaviour.
Hobby gadwalll and kestrel
Farmoor reservoir
I have never been to Farmoor. Used TomTom to get Helen and I there, asked at the gate about a hide key but £13 seemed a bit steep, (10 membership and 3 for the key). The Warden suggested that there was plenty to see anyhow. Walked along the causeway saw some small birds (warblers and tits around the nature reserve on the far side). Walking back round the non-sailing side came across sandpipers. Various wagtails, long tailed tits, garganey, and 7 common sandpipers.
College Road
Quick look during lunch break saw a Bullfinch, as well as the usual
pigeons and rooks
2 greenshank, kingfisher, little gull and Mandarin duck
Two dying rabits
Saw a large bird of prey, not well enough to identify. It landed in a tree but by the time I had got to a place for a view I could not figure out which tree it had landed in. In the wet grass there were two frogs one small one adult size. Finally two small rabbits bot had mxymatosis.